Whether you’re chatting with friends, meeting new people or introducing yourself at work, greetings are an important part of French conversation. With a little practice, you’ll quickly be able to say hello in several ways, depending on the context and formality of the situation.
Bonjour is the most common way to say hello in French. This word translates as “good day” and is used when entering shops, catching up with friends or meeting acquaintances. You can also use bonjour a tous (hello everyone) to greet a group of people. If you’re greeting someone for a second time that day, rebonjour is an appropriate expression.
Comment ca va? is another popular way to ask how someone is doing. This is a simple, direct question and can be used with friends, family or co-workers. It’s a great way to show you care about how they’re doing and want to get to know them better.
The French Connection The french connection keep in touch was an illegal heroin network run by Corsican gangster Paul Carbone. The network smuggled large amounts of heroin into the United States. It was dismantled in January 1977 after a series of raids and arrests in Marseille, France.
Greetings are extremely important in the French language. Whether you’re entering a shop, greeting co-workers, or meeting friends and family, some form of hello is likely to be a leading part of the conversation. In this article, you’ll learn a few different ways to say hi in French including bonjour, salut, and coucou, as well as other phrases you can use to greet people in French.
If you’re in a more formal setting, like an interview or meeting with friends, you might prefer to say bonjour instead of salut or coucou. It’s also a good idea to know that you can turn your bonjour into a goodbye by changing the verb ending to bonne journee (“happy day”). You can also ask how someone is doing with Comment ça va? or Ca va te dire?
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