The game industry is built based on encouragement to the next release, so the concept of the game to get a game is not new. However, their marketing is problematic, because most people only know about them with headlines. In fact, the concept of this game is not sustainable, and will not last in the long run. Lack of interoperability and low level of security is also troubling. Here is the main problem of the game to get the game.
The most significant problem with the concept of drama to get the concept is the lack of monetization. There is a high entry price to the market for new titles, which will reduce prices. However, the new generation of gamers will have access to games that will not only make them rich, but also give them the opportunity to get real money. A good example of a game to get a game is an online version of the popular FPS game. The monetization scheme is based on the contribution of players to the game.
In the past, Play to Ear was greeted with uniform resistance from the game community. The first game that introduced it was launched by Ubisoft Quartz, Crypto's business. The trailer for the announcement was reduced thousands of times before being deleted from YouTube. The company finally pulled the video, even though it did not throw their monetization scheme. On the other hand, even the mention of the web3 casual has triggered a strong reaction.
Blockchain technology has become the future of the e-gaming industry, and play to earn quickly becomes an acceptable business model for game developers. Using blockchain technology, Play to Ear is a sustainable way to monetize the time spent playing games. There are two main reasons for this. The first is free to play and the second is to allow players to get currencies with real world values. This is the main advantage of the game to get a game.
Meanwhile, Axie Infinity's monetary model has been criticized. Players need to buy three NFTs, or virtual currency tokens, to get access to the game. NFT costs fluctuate, so it's hard to say how many people really have it. The SLP market value is $ 0.005894 on June 27, 2022. To play to get a decent business model, the game must maintain its appeal. Renewal and routine season are very important to maintain players.
Another game to get a game is to gain popularity. For example, the game Zed Run combines horse racing and blockchain technology. This allows players to breed, sell, and increase different horses. They then competed and received gifts. Each horse has its strengths and weaknesses, and players can increase their horses to win the race and make money bets on other players. There are many ways to use money played to get games and NFT can be the best way to generate additional cash.
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